02 June 2022

What is the difference between IUI, ICSI and IVF?

Many may be wondering how the IVF process is. After the eggs are collected, the doctor will take the eggs and sperm to do something to get a quality embryo. Currently, there are 3 popular methods of fertilization which are

IUI (Intrauterine insemination), which is an injection of sperm into the uterus. This method is the closest to the natural method because IUI is a selective spermicide. It is injected into the uterine cavity on the day the woman ovulates, creating a chance for the sperm to fertilize the egg more easily than usual. Increase the percentage of successful fertilization.

ICSI (Intracytoplasmic Sperm Injection) is the screening of the strongest sperm. through microscopic examination and injected To mix with a specific egg with a small needle. Once mixed, they will be cultured in a laboratory with a special culture solution. Then when the embryo develops to the proper stage. It will be inserted into the uterus for further pregnancy.

IVF (In-Vito Fertilization) IVF. It is the selection of the perfect egg from the female and the healthy sperm of the male to be fertilized for external fertilization. next normal

Therefore, the difference between these 3 methods is that IUI is an injection of sperm into the uterine cavity. This method is the closest to the natural method. ICSI induces specific fertilization whereas IVF is allowed to fertilize. In those with weak sperm, ICSI was more likely to be successful. Because we can select healthy sperm to fertilize at all.